Last updated almost 2 years ago. What is this?

Spiritual care, as envisioned by Bayo Akomolafe, is an intricate, tender engagement with the sacred entanglements that bind us—an active, listening presence that attends not just to the overt expressions of faith and belief, but to the liminal spaces where the ineffable mystery of being dwells. It is a practice of holding space for the unspeakable, a dance with the shadows and the light, where the boundaries of self and other blur in the recognition of our shared vulnerability and interconnectedness. Spiritual care invites us to slow down, to inhabit the richness of the moment, allowing the conversations with our inner and outer worlds to unfold organically. It looks beyond linear trajectories of healing and seeks to honor the multiplicity of ways the sacred manifests in our lives, inviting a deeper, more reverent participation in the aliveness of existence.

See also: spiritual practice, spiritual direction, claiming sanctuary, sacred activism

Spiritual Direction Australian Symposium 4 - With Bayo Akomolafe 504